Friday, 10 June 2011

Geo Extra Forest in Brown

I'm so excited about my new GEO Extra Forest circle lenses, they arrived in the mail today along with Princess Mimi Bambi in apple green. I really wanted to try out the Forest series in pink but they didnt have it in my power..... >_<~

In fact I was so excited that I ripped open the lens bottles before taking pics *_* BIMBO or not!

Anyhow thank you EyeCandyLens once again for having the design and also diopter range for blind cats like myself!

These are my first Extra lenses after trying out the Super sizes, of which my all time favourite is the GEO Super Angel in Brown.

My personal opinion, the super and extras are much much more comfortable than the regular sizes, and the vision is clearer as the pupil view area is larger. The regular ones sometimes go crossed eyed or blur your vision in less bright conditions.

For the full gyaru effect you'll need to add your falsies, and prob a bit of eyeshadow blending and nose contouring. I took these after work and where I work its quite conservative so I don't do falsies on a daily basis.

Anyways, here are the pics ^____^  !

close ups with flash...

...please do note that no one is gonna look at your eyes this close in normal daily life...

..with flash...

..without flash in the evening, and you can still see the effect. Cool~!

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