Monday 6 June 2011

Review: Super Quick lip concealer in nude beige

After Maxi BonBon lip concealer, which has ended up at at the back of the drawer because it kept coming off too soon, I'm now on a mission to find a lip concealer that acts as a moisturising lip balm as well as a natural looking concealer, with either a nude or pink tinge.

I was tossing up between Heavy Rotation and this one and tried this one out for now, because the girl at Kawaii said it is moisturising and also natural, i.e. a bit sheerer than a complete concealer, which is what the Heavy Rotation one is.

Now, I am still not too sure about really nude lips on myself as my lips re quite full and my skin is not snowy white, which means very light lips can make me look, well, a bit too catwalk/in your face for normal city day wear....and I don't really go to nightclubs much so I want something that I will find useful.

The tone of the concealer is the key - IT MUST GO WITH YOUR SKIN and HAIR COLOR.

Verdict: I actually quite like this one, and would recommend you try it out if you are testing the waters with nude lips. I'd even do smoky eyes with it but keep blush to a minimum.

It stayed on really well too cos I tried it out at an engagement party.

I like it!  What do you think?

bare lips

one layer of super quick lip concealer - my lips were really dry and I exfoliated as much dead skin off as I could, otherwise one layer would've been smooth enough as seen on my top lip.

two layers...

after too many champagnes and much later on that night...
  I hope you found this helpful!

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