Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Review: Samsung ST600 VainCam

If you are like me whereby there is NEVER anyone around when you need your pic taken (which, in a blogger's case is all the time), you'll love the Samsung ST600 which comes with a front screen to help with those ever so tricky self portraits and social happy snaps when you're out and about. This design is also slim and the touch screen is massive, the clarity on the screen for reviewing your work is also clear and sharp. On top of all that, there's all these modes you can use to change the tone and feel of your snaps. Would be good if they had a Digi SLR camera which downloads apps though!

All in all, great little VainCam for the handbag.

1 comment:

Catty Pants said...

I love it! Vain Cam - what an awesome name!! :):)


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