Friday, 24 June 2011

All I can do is dream of Paris

My mind is blocked with black numbers and words on white paper and I NEED TO ESCAPE before my brain dies *_*

....the first place my keyboard took me to was Google, and after a split second transit I am shot off to PARIS!!!!!

And I found a nice luxury apartment too at Rue des Grands Degrès, with views of Qui de Montebello, the Seine and Notre Dame..floor to ceiling windows, one bedroom, 2 baths....why are there 2 baths when theres only one bedroom o_O?

The price is a nice number too...$3,825 for one week, I didn't even bother finding out if it was EUR or not.

The other pics for more daydreaming can be found at Just France in Paris

I wonder if it looks as nice in winter....

this reminds me of a spot in Melbourne...

...and this one reminds me of Amelie...

everything just seems to be so naturally romantic in Paris!

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