Friday, 24 June 2011

Sunflower op shop on Goodwood Road

Found the cutest op shop during one of our morning walks in the surrounding suburbs. Its a teeny weeny little shop but it has LOADS of GOOD STUFF!

I came home with three items (trying to keep each shopping outcome to less than 2 items due to wardrobe space issues, to be blogged about another time...): an Events long black suit jacket, a black and white polka dot puffy skirt, and the best of them all - a colorful stripey retro skivvy!

Tres RETRO ^_^

Now I want DARK DENIM BELL BOTTOMS to go with this!

 Show your support for recycling and please don't throw out your pre-loved items into the trash. Give them away, sell them on ebay etc.

I've been good today, donated 1 large box of old summer clothes and one box of gorgeous size 7.5 shoes to Sunflower Op Shop <3 <3 <3

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